Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Candy Cane Trifle

Base layer:
Pound cake, cut into 1-inch pieces
Mint grasshopper cookies, broken up into pieces
Brownies, cut into 1-inch pieces

Mousse layer:
1 small package white chocolate instant pudding
Make according to package directions and then add:
3 oz. softened cream cheese
1/4 cup sour cream
4 oz. white chocolate (melted)
Seeds of 1 vanilla pod

Place a couple pieces of Pound cake, mint grasshopper cookies and a couple pieces of Brownies in cup.
Spoon a heaping tablespoon or so of Mousse layer into the cup.
Repeat with base layer: brownies, pound cake, mint cookies
Top with fresh whipped cream.
Sprinkle Andes mint pieces on top.

Made this for a Relief Society party.  I think it turned out well. In the picture you can see mint Oreo's instead of grasshopper cookies.  I'm changing it because the Oreo's didn't stay firm the next day and I think the cookie will.

The white mousse turned out fine, it was tasty, but I'm not sure it was much  of a contrast from the cream.  I'm seriously thinking of trying a chocolate mousse for the next round.
I think people enjoyed it and it was a fun holiday dessert, dramatic and tasty.

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