Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Look the Night Before

So, you have your monthly menu ready to go. If you will take a quick glance before you go to bed, it may make a big difference in how your prep work goes for tomorrow.

When I see that the next day's menu is chicken, I can pull out some chicken from the freezer after my morning exercise. I might even be able to grab the spaghetti and the sauce as I get a new box of cereal. It can take a lot of time off your preparation if you are aware of what is coming up.

Glancing at the calendar and seeing chicken pot pie, I know I need to make a crust and can do that as early as 9:00a.m. if I know I'm going to have a busy day. Sometimes there is very little prep work that needs to be done. For example, stir fry, means a frozen bag of veggies and a rice cooker. Looking at it the night before, I see that I don't need to worry a bit. Take a glance, before you brush your teeth and see if it doesn't make a noticeable difference in your day.

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